Saturday 28 May 2016


Blood sugar spikes signal your body to store fat around your

Midsection, while monounsaturated fats, found heavily in avocados, stop this.
Salty food, like potato chips and fast foods, may cause bloating of Ur tummy,
Because your body will retain water in Ur midsection and accumulate it
Outside of cells. Dieters who consumed potassium, which helps bring the water
Back Into the cells. Dieters who consumed mono-saturated fats lost more
Stomach Bulge than those eating the same number of calories but less of the
fats, a Study in the journal Diabetes care finds. And a study in the journal obesity
Reveals that when monkeys ate Trans fats, their waists were 30 percent bigger

Than those  of simians eating monounsaturated fat.

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