Saturday 4 June 2016


        Beans are a healthy choice for anyone – they’re low in fat, and offer protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals. But they may have extra benefits for people with diabetes because they’re  high in soluble fiber. Beans can reduce your need for insulin medications.Dr.James Anderson, one of the early research pioneers on the health benefits of fiber, found that people with Type  1 diabetes were able to reduce their need for insulin by 38% just  by eating beans. And for those with type 2 diabetes, eating beans not only reduced their need for insulin and other diabetic medications but ,in some cases, almost eliminated the need for supplemental insulin.




    One of cinnamon most impressive  health benefits  is its ability to improve  blood  glucose control. For example, just  half  a  teaspoon of cinnamon of a day  has  previously been shown to significantly reduce blood sugar levels, triglycerides, LDL(bad)  cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels  in people with type 2 diabetes. The  more you can make use of  natural therapies such as nutrition and exercise ,the better your  health will be .However, as helpful as supplements like cinnamon can be, they should not be misconstrued as cures. They are not substitutes for proper diet and lifestyle choices. You cannot properly address your diabetes if you still maintain sedentary lifestyle choices. You cannot properly address your diabetes if you still maintain a sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary choices  -   cinnamon supplementation or not!

Saturday 28 May 2016


water is actually not a food, it is very important to drink
Lots of water. It will help ur body to increase its metabolism and it will reduce Ur daily caloric intake. By drinking eight cups of chilled water per ya Ur Body will spend 70 calories more than it would other wise. Also, by drinking Water instead of high- sugar , you will cut hundreds of extraterrestrial Day!. 


Almonds are a true super-food. They build muscle, reduce

Cravings, and fight obesity. Start Ur mornings with a handful of smallAlmonds(at least 6). Theywillhelp Ur body to burn fat and help you on UrWay to a flat stomach. These delicious and versatile nuts contain filling protein
And fiber, not to mention vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. They’re also agoodSource of magnesium, a mineral Ur body must have in order to produce
 energy, build and maintain muscle tissue, and regulate blood sugar,” Stable
Blood-sugar level helps prevent cravings that can lead to overeating and weight
Gain,” says David Kate, MD,a professor at the Yale university school of



 A  study  published  journal  of  obesity  suggests  that
People  who  get  their  calcium  mostly  from yogurts lose more weight around
Their midsection. The robotic bacteria found in yogurts keep Ur digestive
System healthy, which translates to less bloating and constipation, which in
Turn makes you belly flatter. Eat 18 ounces a day and you can drop a jeans size.
People who ate that much –in conjunction with cutting their total calories-
Lost 22 percent more weight and 81 percent more belly fat then dieters who
Skipped the snack, according to research from the university of tenseness,Knoxville.


Eggs are a perfect protein source. They contain a perfect balance of
Essential amino acids which are protein building blocks responsible for
Building everything in ur body- from muscle fibers to brain chemicals. In a
Randomized controlled trial, 160 overweight or obese men andwomenwere
Divided into 2 groups, one of which ate a breakfast including 2 eggs, while the
Other consumed a bagel breakfast supplying the same amount of calories andWeight mass(an important control factor in satiety and weight loss studies).
Participants ate their assigned breakfast at least 5 days a week for 8 weeks as
Part of a low-fat diet with a 1,000 calorie deficit. Compared to those on the
Bagel breakfast, egg eaters had an 83% greater decrease in waist


Blood sugar spikes signal your body to store fat around your

Midsection, while monounsaturated fats, found heavily in avocados, stop this.
Salty food, like potato chips and fast foods, may cause bloating of Ur tummy,
Because your body will retain water in Ur midsection and accumulate it
Outside of cells. Dieters who consumed potassium, which helps bring the water
Back Into the cells. Dieters who consumed mono-saturated fats lost more
Stomach Bulge than those eating the same number of calories but less of the
fats, a Study in the journal Diabetes care finds. And a study in the journal obesity
Reveals that when monkeys ate Trans fats, their waists were 30 percent bigger

Than those  of simians eating monounsaturated fat.


Pronounced KEEN-wash, this whole grain contains 5 grams of fiber
And 11 grams of protein per half  cup. Penn  state researchers   found  that  dieters
Who ate  whole-grains lost  twice as much  belly  fat  as those who  stuck   to  white-
Flour  products-even  though  they’d  consumed  the  same  number  of  calories.
 Quinoa's   nutty  flavor  and  crunchy-yet-chewy texture  are  likes  cross  between
Whole  wheat  couscous  and  short-grain-brown  rice.  Quinoa   is  gluten-free,easy
To  prepare  and  extremely   versatile.  You  can  use  Quinoa  anywhere  you’d
Typically  use  rice.  It’s  great  used  in  casseroles  and  stir  fry,  mixed  with  beans,
Or  simply  topped  with  tofu  and  vegetables. The  food  and  agriculture  organization
Of   the  united  nations  [faro]  has  officially  declared  that  the  year   2013  be  recognized 
As  ‘’the  international  year  of  the  Aquino’’. It has  now  been   singled  out   by  the 

OAF   as a  food   with  ‘’high  nutritive  value’’   and    impressive  biodiversity.


Salmon is a protein source that also provides a good dose of healthy
Omega-3   fatty acids ( this type of fat helps make your metabolism  more
Efficient, according to “fitness” magazine).Salmon may help boost Ur
Metabolism and keep you feeling full. An Australian study showed that
Overweight people who ate fish daily improved their glucose-insulin response.
Translated, this means that seafood may help slow digestion and prevent
Cravings.  If that doesn’t hook you, consider this: seafood is an excellent source
Of abs-friendly   protein. Eat about 4 oz. of salmon, twice a week, recommends
“Fitness”  magazine. If you don’t like fish, another option for getting omega-3
Fatty acid is eating flax seed and walnuts. Several recent studies have-found that Salmon contains small   bio-active protein molecules ( called bio-active pep tides)
That may   provide special support for joint cartilage, insulin effectiveness, and

Control of   inflammation  in the digestive tract.


Soybeans are rich in antioxidants, fiber and protein.Besides thievery high
Protein content (36.5 g per100 tg or 3.5 OZ),soybeans contain a lot of fiber and
Are rich calcium and magnesium. When used as a substitute for meat, which
It does well because of its protein profile, a serving of soybeans can-save you
Fat,especially saturated fat. Snack on dry- roasted soybeans, toss shelled
Edamame into soups, and slip a spoonful of silken tofu into your morning
Smoothie. Liquid soy also makes a good meal replacement. A study from the
Journal of the American college of nutrition found that overweight subjects
Who drank a soy milk-based meal replacement lost more weights than those

who Consumed a traditional dairy based diet drink.

Monday 23 May 2016


Garlic is an excellent substance to add in your diet to contain the
Cholesterol level. When you have increased levels of cholesterol, take as much
Garlic as possible in your diet. Itwill certainly reduce cholesterol level without
Causing any side effects. Although it is best to take it in raw from, it is equally
Efficacious in other forms like pickles.A study that used dried garlic powder
Over 8 to 12 weeks showed significant  reductions in total cholesterol, LDL
Cholesterol, and triglycerides , but the effect didn’t last beyond six months of treatment, suggesting that garlic has only a short-term effect on cholesterol.

Oatmeal, oat bran and high –fiber foods

 over the years there

 Have been  Many research studies that have proven the benefits of oatmeal  in lowering
Cholesterol levels . the U.S food and drug administration  is convinced , too:
Oatmeal was one of the first foods to carry the heart healthy distinction on its
Label because of promising research findings . oatmeal seems to most
Effective in lowering LDL cholesterol (“ bad” cholesterol )  levels . according to the
Studies in adults, LDL cholesterol  may be lowered by 10 percent in some cases.
In these studies , anywere between 40 and 60 grams – or roughly one bowl-
Of oatmeal was consumed by by each subject per day. The cholesterol lowering
Benefits of oatmeal is also dose – dependent. That is, the more oatmeal you eat,
The lower your cholesterol will go.

olive oil

 olive oil is rich in oleic acid , one of the fatty acids that keep cell

Membranes  fluid and  therefore make skin supple. Olive oil also has  small
Amounts of other essential fatty acids that fight inflammation . yet another
Benefit comes in the form of vitamin E and polyphenols,  a  class  of  antioxidants
That protect skin from free  radical damage. When you prepare dishes , that

Require  oil , aim for olive oil.


 spinach  contains  various  nutrients  that  are  good  for  ur skin . the
Most useful vitamins ofr spinach are vitamin A ,C ,E , and K.  the  high amount of
Vitamin A in spinach also promotes  healthy skin by allowing  for proper moisture
Retention  in the epidermis , thus fighting psoriasis , keratinization  , acne and even
Wrinkls. A study published in the international journal of cancer found that
Folks who ate the most spinach developed half as many skin tumors over 11
Years as those who ate the smallest amount . that’s likely  because  the folate in
Spinach helps  maintain and repair DNA, reducing the likelihood of cancer-cell


Sunflower seeds

 Sunflower seeds will make your skin glow. Eating raw
Sunflower seeds can give you a powerful punch of many vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins and minerals found in these amazing little seedsare: magnesium,
Zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, copper, vitamins B1, B2, B6, A, E, K,
C and fiber. Vitamin E, in particular,  is  a  very  powerful  vitamin ,  needed  to  help

Fight  the   aging   process .  they are also rich  in  omega-6  essential  fatty  acids.


Strawberries are one of the world’s healthiest foods. Just one

Cup has over 100 percent of the recommended daily Allowance (RDA) for
Vitamin C, 20percent RDA for manganese and nearly 15 percent RDA for fiber.
In other words, strawberries are rich in nutrients that our skin loves to dine on.
With a high content of alpha-hydroxy acids, strawberries help slough off dead
Skin cells, increasing natural skin renewal by revealing the new youthful skin
Underneath. Strawberries also contain ellagic acid, which helps protect the skin

From UV rays.

Sweet potatoes

Snacking on sweet potatopes can keep your skin clear,
Smooth and young-looking. Orange- fleshed sweet potatoes are rich in beta-
Carotene, an antioxidant that coverts to vitamin A in your body, which is in
Charge at producing new skin cells and shedding old ones. A regular influx of
New cells keeps the surface of your skin smooth, fresh- looking and resistant to
Irritants and damage. It’s no coincidence that some of the best topical healthy-
Skin ingredients in beauty products, retonic acid and retinol, are derivatives of

Vitamin A.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is full  of  flavonoids which protect the skin
From UV rays. German researchers gave 24 women a half – cup of special extra-
Flavonoid- enriched cocoa every day, and after 3 months, the women’s skin was

Moister, smoother and less scaly, when exposed to UV light


kiwis contain large amounts of water-soluble vitamin C, which is

Needed to produce collagen. This is a “ connective “ type of protein which helps
To firm your skin. With aging, production of collagen decreases and the skin
Loses its elasticity. Kiwis are also full of vitamins  C and E, which not only fight
Free radicals, but also help to repair and heal the skin.That’s why you can see

Many skin care products with kiwi extracts in them.


Tomato has an antioxidant called lycopene which helps to protect
Your skin from UV damage from sunburn. In western diet, about 85% of
Lycopene is obtained only from tomatoes, and the best place to find them in the
Tomato paste. A study was made on 23 women, who were asked to eat 55g of
Tomato every day, for 12 weeks ( giving them 16 mg of lycopene). After getting
Them back to lab, it was revealed, that a 30% increase in natural skin protection

Was detected.


Oysters are your skins best friend. They are loaded with zinc which
Is known for preventing many skin ailments such as acne, scalp conditions,
Boils, ulcers and diaper rashes. Zinc is a mineral with big “ beauty” benefits
Because it renews and repairs the also helps to create collagen, which
Provides the structural support in skin. It helps in enhancing immunity as well


Blueberries are, like green tea and red wine, extremely rich in
Anti- oxidants, which target the free radical that are destroying the skin cells.The
Skin will look younger for longer if DNA-damaging free radicals are neutralized
By the anti-oxidants and phytochemicals found in blueberries. They are also AN

Excellent source of fiber, vitamins C/E, manganese, and riboflavin.