Saturday 4 June 2016


        Beans are a healthy choice for anyone – they’re low in fat, and offer protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals. But they may have extra benefits for people with diabetes because they’re  high in soluble fiber. Beans can reduce your need for insulin medications.Dr.James Anderson, one of the early research pioneers on the health benefits of fiber, found that people with Type  1 diabetes were able to reduce their need for insulin by 38% just  by eating beans. And for those with type 2 diabetes, eating beans not only reduced their need for insulin and other diabetic medications but ,in some cases, almost eliminated the need for supplemental insulin.




    One of cinnamon most impressive  health benefits  is its ability to improve  blood  glucose control. For example, just  half  a  teaspoon of cinnamon of a day  has  previously been shown to significantly reduce blood sugar levels, triglycerides, LDL(bad)  cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels  in people with type 2 diabetes. The  more you can make use of  natural therapies such as nutrition and exercise ,the better your  health will be .However, as helpful as supplements like cinnamon can be, they should not be misconstrued as cures. They are not substitutes for proper diet and lifestyle choices. You cannot properly address your diabetes if you still maintain sedentary lifestyle choices. You cannot properly address your diabetes if you still maintain a sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary choices  -   cinnamon supplementation or not!

Saturday 28 May 2016


water is actually not a food, it is very important to drink
Lots of water. It will help ur body to increase its metabolism and it will reduce Ur daily caloric intake. By drinking eight cups of chilled water per ya Ur Body will spend 70 calories more than it would other wise. Also, by drinking Water instead of high- sugar , you will cut hundreds of extraterrestrial Day!. 


Almonds are a true super-food. They build muscle, reduce

Cravings, and fight obesity. Start Ur mornings with a handful of smallAlmonds(at least 6). Theywillhelp Ur body to burn fat and help you on UrWay to a flat stomach. These delicious and versatile nuts contain filling protein
And fiber, not to mention vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. They’re also agoodSource of magnesium, a mineral Ur body must have in order to produce
 energy, build and maintain muscle tissue, and regulate blood sugar,” Stable
Blood-sugar level helps prevent cravings that can lead to overeating and weight
Gain,” says David Kate, MD,a professor at the Yale university school of



 A  study  published  journal  of  obesity  suggests  that
People  who  get  their  calcium  mostly  from yogurts lose more weight around
Their midsection. The robotic bacteria found in yogurts keep Ur digestive
System healthy, which translates to less bloating and constipation, which in
Turn makes you belly flatter. Eat 18 ounces a day and you can drop a jeans size.
People who ate that much –in conjunction with cutting their total calories-
Lost 22 percent more weight and 81 percent more belly fat then dieters who
Skipped the snack, according to research from the university of tenseness,Knoxville.


Eggs are a perfect protein source. They contain a perfect balance of
Essential amino acids which are protein building blocks responsible for
Building everything in ur body- from muscle fibers to brain chemicals. In a
Randomized controlled trial, 160 overweight or obese men andwomenwere
Divided into 2 groups, one of which ate a breakfast including 2 eggs, while the
Other consumed a bagel breakfast supplying the same amount of calories andWeight mass(an important control factor in satiety and weight loss studies).
Participants ate their assigned breakfast at least 5 days a week for 8 weeks as
Part of a low-fat diet with a 1,000 calorie deficit. Compared to those on the
Bagel breakfast, egg eaters had an 83% greater decrease in waist


Blood sugar spikes signal your body to store fat around your

Midsection, while monounsaturated fats, found heavily in avocados, stop this.
Salty food, like potato chips and fast foods, may cause bloating of Ur tummy,
Because your body will retain water in Ur midsection and accumulate it
Outside of cells. Dieters who consumed potassium, which helps bring the water
Back Into the cells. Dieters who consumed mono-saturated fats lost more
Stomach Bulge than those eating the same number of calories but less of the
fats, a Study in the journal Diabetes care finds. And a study in the journal obesity
Reveals that when monkeys ate Trans fats, their waists were 30 percent bigger

Than those  of simians eating monounsaturated fat.